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Incense burner

Here you can find answers to all your questions about the variable fragrance and incense burner.

How do I get clean the incense sieve again?
How does the smoking of resins work with the variable fragrance and incense burner?
For what is the coarse grating on the brass goblet for?
What is special about the variable fragrance and incense burner?
Will the screw for height adjustment of the herb burnder get hot?
Do i need charcoal for burning incense with the variable incense burner ?
How does scenting of fragrance oils work with the variable fragrance and incense burner?
What is the stainless steel aroma pan for?
What does "scenting" mean for the variable fragrance and incense burner?
Can I make a house smoking with the variable fragrance and incense burner?
Can I take the variable fragrance and incense burner with me on a journey?
How do I care for the wood when it gets wet or soiled?
How can I care for the brass parts?
Why is there no groove in the wood for the brass goblet?
Can aluminum foil be used to avoid sticking the resin to the incense sieve?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or call us at any time.
We look forward to talking with you.

With energetic greetings

The team of Der Kraftgarten